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Proven Experience. Highly Regarded.

Dr. Zac Robbins leads the team at Schools That Move Souls. Dr. Zac and his team pioneered a landmark approach to restorative practices and school transformation that saw dramatic results. Now, Dr. Zac and his team mentor others to do the same. With over 20 years of experience, plus national recognition for their work in reducing suspension and expulsion rates and lifting school achievement levels, they are the team to have in your corner. You can be confident that you are in good hands. Dr. Zac and his team is ready and waiting to help you with:
• Professional Development
• Mastermind Coaching
• Policy Analysis
• School Data Tracking
• And More
The Schools That Move Souls Team works with school leaders, teacher groups, individuals, students, families, and community groups. We provide personalized, relevant training to create restorative justice solutions. Contact Dr. Zac Today!

Zac earned his B.A. degree in English and Secondary Education from Howard University and his M.Ed. degree in School Administration from the Howard University Graduate School of Education. He earned his Ph.D. in Education Administration from the Boston College Carolyn and Peter Lynch School of Education and Human Development.

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Contact me today. Ask about a complimentary 1 hour session on restorative practices!
